Welcome to our exciting adventure and visit to
Europe. This web page was designed and posted
by our travel hosts, Concerts-Austria USA operated
by IMTC, Inc., especially for us as we prepare
to travel to Austria. It contains valuable and
detailed information about our trip. Please browse
all the information here and let it guide you
as you plan to embark on this wonderful adventure.
We are absolutely counting the days until we
can leave, meet new friends, make great music
and visit so many historical sites. I want to
thank Bram Majtlis of Concerts-Austria USA operated
by IMTC, Inc. for his vision; his inspiration
and his leadership in making this opportunity
available. I had the amazing good fortune to meet
him at the Music Educators National Conference
in Salt Lake City, Utah last March and I was immediately
impressed with his knowledge, professionalism
and integrity. Thank you so much Mr. Majtlis for
leading the way in helping us have this opportunity
that would have otherwise not been possible.
I offer sheer gratitude to all of you for your
volunteer support, your financial sacrifices and
your enthusiasm for this endeavor.
Thanks to the AOBA Board and to Linda Baldwin
for tireless hours and planning. This is our 1st
international performance; this is what memories
are made of.
We are looking forward to performing with Mrs.
Pederson and select members of the Travis HS Orchestra,
it will be a chance to reconnect with old friends
and meet new friends. Thanks to Mrs. Pederson
for her assistance and exuberance. We will also
be performing a few selections with a HS Orchestra
from Europe, another cool opportunity! I can't
wait to meet them and their director.
Most importantly thank you to every student that
exhibits such a stellar work ethic so that we
can play well enough to be invited to represent
FBISD, Texas and our great country the good old
USA. You are super musicians and young people.
I look forward to spreading that "Texas Charm"
everywhere we go. I am thankful and blessed by
each of you.
Warmest regards,
Carolyn Vandiver
Director of Orchestras
Stephen F. Austin HS